Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Mountain Leadership Training

I took The Boss and She Who Must Be Ignored to the Lake District last week.

The Boss was embarrassing as usual, all that wheezing, gasping and complaining but the main reason for going was to put SWMBI through part of her Mountain Leadership Training.   On this trip we were doing 'Navigation in the mountains', she has always been a little weak in this aspect but with my help she should be ok.

I had to wait patiently quite often but I think that patient handling is the key.  On this occasion SWMBI was having trouble deciding whether she was at Sprinkling Tarn or Sty Head Tarn.  She wandered round looking vacant for a while and then asked who had the map!  Then finally decided we were at Sty Head.

We eventually arrived at Sty Head Tarn later in the afternoon!

Oh well!  Rome wasn't built in a day.........

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Ash Cloud?

Oh dear, more ash!

The Boss says it's all because of the Icelandic Cod War, and the bank bail out repayments. He says they really know how to carry a grudge!

Any way I don't know anything about that,

I just want to know if it is safe to come out yet?

"Looks OK Harry, come on"

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

The Crown (and Granny) v The Giant Hen

New evidence in the trial of The Giant Hen, who has been accused of stealing the wild bird seed!

At first Granny tried to blame me, but photographs came to light proving my innocence. As a result of this evidence, The Giant Hen was charged and brought to trial. She claimed that she was acting under the orders of The Boss, a weak defence dicredited by new video evidence obtained by undercover agents.

She had an un-named acomplice, who was caught on camera acting as look out!

She has been found guilty as charged but I expect she will escape the ultimate penalty, it is rumoured that The Boss has bribed the Judge (and Granny).....

(Oops! did you spot Daft Harry and Me making our escape?.....)

Thursday, 6 May 2010

What Do You Think....?

Hi folks,  I hope you are all well.

I went to see Granny today and while The Boss was feeding the donkeys I saw the Giant Hen sitting on the stable door with one of her friends.

"It's not much of a day"

Said the Giant Hen.

What do you think, shall we go for a walk or stay here?

The reply was unprintable....!

No eggs for The Boss today then.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

"Hendog Trials"

Fat Dog has started her training for the new 'Hendog Trials' season.  She is hoping to make the the England team this year.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Beach Bum?

I went up to Granny's cottage today to help The Boss do a few chores, he struggles by himself!

It was lovely and sunny when I walked round the fields to make sure that the rabbits weren't eating too much grass and there was Henry Donkey sunbathing.  What a fat tummy he has!

I asked Hannah why she wasn't enjoying the sunny weather?

"There is no way that I am displaying myself for all the world too see.  That is a main road over there you know, every Tom, Dick and Harry would be able to see me!"

Henry doesn't seem to mind though!

Chores done and The Boss safely tucked in for his nap, I thought that it could be time for me to put my feet up for a few minutes.

Harry has his uses...!

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

The Apprentice?

Today Daft Harry decided that he was going to dig his own tunnel.

To Newcastle?

I tried to explain to him that there would be a bus at 10 past but he wouldn't listen.  Why did he want to go to Newcastle anyway?  He spent all his pocket money in on his postcard for Granny when he was in Australia at the weekend!

It's going to be a long job, after two hours this was as far as he got!

If this wasn't bad enough, Henry Donkey decided that he would join in, it's a good thing that Fat Dog didn't see all this because she would have needed a quarrying licence!

All this week Granny has been accusing me if stealing the wild bird's seeds but the culprit has been found.  While Harry was digging his tunnel I made a hide and lay in wait.

Got her!

The Giant Hen!!

Monday, 1 March 2010

Man at Work (Down-under)!

Hi folks,  just got back from Australia! Sorry, it took a bit longer than I expected but I hit a tough bit in the middle, still it gave Daft Harry time to catch up!

He was supposed to stay at home and look after Granny and she had to text me to to find out where he was.  He sent her a postcard to make up to her!

I found out how kangaroos don't fall off, they have velcro pads on their feet!  "Simples!!"

Any way we are back now and we have to explain to Granny and The Boss why we are so dirty.

"I think the answer is to look contrite Harry.  Like this"

"No chance"

Said Harry.

"I'm off.  I have just seen Granny with a bucket of water and some soap and she doesn't look very happy!"

Sunday, 28 February 2010

Down Under?

Rap Down Under.

My claws are sharp
I’m going to dig a hole
All the way to Australia
That’s my goal.
I wannna see a wallaby
And kiss a kangaroo,
Dance with a dingo
There’s so much to do.
I’d better get going
There’s no time to spare.
If I waste my time’ talking’
I’ll never get there!!!

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Australia Again (Solo)

The ground had thawed a little this morning so I had another go at digging my way to Australia!

Down by Granny's stream I found a nice patch of soft soil and began to dig like fury!

Great fun and very satisfying!  Dirt flying everywhere, today is the day!

Then I hit hard ground.

It's no good, I will have to eat my way to to The Antipodes as The Boss calls it!

I have stopped for a quick cup of Granny's tea to refresh me (and clean my teeth!)  When I am finished I will go back down to the stream and start digging again.  It could be a long night.

Do they have internet in Australia?

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

My Friend?

Last night my Aunty Lauren had a piano lesson.

This is Simon her teacher.

He is allergic to dogs...!!!!


Wednesday, 10 February 2010

"Seek and Ye Shall Find" (I hope)

Now then, what's in here?

Granny can't have bought all this hay just for the donkeys!  There must be something for me, a nice juicy mouse at least.....
It's a good job that Fat Dog isn't here this morning, she would get stuck in this hole  and Daft Harry would get lost.

Or chased by the mouse...!!

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

House Guests!

I am still here!

The tunnel to Australia failed, the ground was too frozen and Daft Harry's constant pushing had me exhausted.  Today The Boss wouldn't let me have another go as Granny keeps falling into the holes and swearing and her neighbours have complained to the Parish Council!

Instead, The Boss took us for a little walk in the fields and as Granny was out shopping, we went inside for a cup of milk and to watch the telly.  Unfortunately, Harry invited his friends in too, Granny will be furious when I tell her.......

.........on the other hand, this could be a good time for Daft Harry to buy me a new Ipod!

Tuesday, 2 February 2010


Come on Harry, stop pushing and dig.  Australia is this way, I'm sure....and if this snow gets any worse we will never make it and you will have to stay with Granny for ever!

Friday, 8 January 2010

Take Off!

Fat Dog and Me went up to see Granny this morning but she was too busy to play with us, so we found Daft Harry and ran into the field to play while The Boss was doing the donkeys.

After a while I got bored with running around and decided that as Harry has always wanted to fly we should see if we could help him!

First of all, I got Fat Dog to waddle up and down the field a few times to make a runway.

Then I sent Daft Harry all the way to the furthest end of the field and gave him the signal to run back into the wind as fast as he could and flap his ears as hard as possible!

"Go on Harry"

Squeaked Fat Dog excitedly.

"You can do it. The first Jack Russell powered flight!"

He very nearly made it..!

The Judges of Fact from the Guinness Book of Records didn't seem so impressed!

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Snow Day!

The Boss went out early this morning to see Granny but it was so cold that I stayed in bed.  Even Granny and Daft Harry are not worth frostbite.  That snow was looking very deep....!

Later, the Boss picked She Who Must be Ignored, me and Fat Dog up in the land rover and we went out for a walk.  Well I say walk but it was so cold that I had to run round and round as fast as I could to keep warm.

 Fat Dog has a very ample and hairy bottom to keep her warm, so she just sat down and watched me.

 As for She Who Must be Ignored, well, none of us could work out what on earth she was up too.

What is a 'retard'?

Sunday, 3 January 2010

In at the Deep End

There was so much snow at Grannie's house this morning.  It is all very well but if the snow is 12 inches deep and you are a simple Jack Russell whose little legs are only 6 inches long, life gets a little tricky!

I even have frost on my chin!

Daft Harry, who now fancies himself as Grannie's little boy, took the opportunity to try and look rugged and handsome!

He always was a bit sad!

Just as we were leaving Grannie's house, The Giant Hen popped her head out of the ark.

"Is it safe to come out yet?"

Friday, 1 January 2010

A new year?

What a lot of snow this morning!  The Boss and She who Must be Ignored went up to Grannies to see the hens, Hannah and Henry donkey and Daft Harry.

As you would expect, Daft Harry ran round till he was dizzy.  

The Giant Hen was not at all happy about the snow, she said.

"If The Boss is expecting eggs on a day like this, he can jolly well go to Waitrose!"

And then stomped off!

Hannah and Henry weren't really saying very much.

She who Must be Ignored started to make them a Snowman tonight,  "That should cheer them up"!  She said.

Strange woman......